Friday, November 23, 2007

Como empezo todo... III

Y de repente, alli estaba, un anuncio que no se veia mal...

Basel, donde chingaos esta Basel? directo a la wikipedia... ahh Basel es Basilea en español... ahh, recuerdo haber visto ese nombre en algunos productos suizos... chocolates probablemente. Pues no se ve mal, es primer mundo. Y alla vamos... a mandar el ridiculum.

DWS Ag. (Basel, Switzerland)

Posted 13-Sep-2007

Job Description:

The position to fill is a Server and Web developer/engineer role.

Activities: You'll be required to form requirements together with customers. Define architecture and solutions to be used. Engineering and implementing the solutions.

Technologies you'll meet (and need to be proficient with):

  • Languages: Python, Javascript, SQL, Java, (lisp a plus)
  • Web: (X)HTML, CSS, json, HTTP, servers (apache, lighttpd, nginx)
  • Database: Generally SQL (by means of SQLAlchemy), using these databases, Oracle, Postgres, Mysql
  • Misc.: SQLAlchemy, Genshi, Genshi2js, WSGI, XMLRpc, Trac

What Python is used for: Python is used to bind all those technologies together and engineer music download services (web applications) from a DRM Protected platform (Adora).

  • Contact: Fulanito
  • Prepare before contact: Sample code (preferably commited changesets by you to open source projects)

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